‘Making connections: What is the future for collaboration and mobility of Early Career Researchers across Europe?’
Mobility and collaboration of professionals is the key to developing and sustaining cutting-edge and effective research and innovation in Europe. It is vital to enable researchers to work together on the large and complex global issues of the day – including health and environmental challenges – which require international and collaborative research efforts to try to find effective solutions. It is also important as mobility helps researchers, especially young researchers and those at an early stage of their career, to develop professionally, academically and personally by enabling them to acquire new skills and experiences, and become more effective researchers.
Following the UK’s referendum vote to leave the EU and the triggering of Article 50, what does this mean for collaboration and mobility in a post-Brexit environment?
To explore this topic further, on Monday 15th May at 1pm (UK time), we will hold our first online discussion (webinar) as part of the EU-UK Culture and Education series. In this webinar, you will have the opportunity to listen, and pose questions, to a panel of prominent researchers including Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff and Dr Joanna Bagniewska who will talk to us about their opinions on a range of topics, such as:
- What are the priorities for mobility and collaboration across Europe?
- Which mechanisms have worked well in supporting collaboration and mobility across Europe?
- Is there a greater role for R&D/Industry
- Where are the challenges and opportunities around mobility funding at present?
- What opportunities might there be for the HE & Research sector through this process - either through change or greater collaboration (and with whom)?
- What are the main challenges around movement of Early Career Researchers and resources?
- Should Early Career Researchers have special status and funding?
- What are the crucial areas of collaboration and work that we must not lose when the UK leaves the EU and how might we achieve this? How can universities and research institutes help to continue cooperation?
- How can we engage Early Career Researchers in the process of continued cooperation across Europe?
Join the discussion
If you would like to be part of this webinar and listen to what your colleagues in the sector have to say, simply follow the instructions below to find out more about how you can register to take part.
To register for the webinar:
1.Go to https://razorsocial.lpages.co/eu-uk-series-collaboration-and-mobility-we...
2.Click on the button to “Claim your Spot” for the webinar by simply entering you name and email address.
3.You will then receive an email with a personalised link to join the webinar – do keep this safe.
4.Then on Monday 15th May @1pm London/2pm CET, click on your personalised link in this email and you will be logged in to the webinar automatically.
5.You can either listen to the webinar through your PC/laptop or you can chose to dial in using your phone. The numbers you can use to dial in are also in your invitation email.
This webinar is being run by our digital agency for this programme, RazorSocial. So if you have any questions about the webinar and how it works, then please feel free to email colette@razorsocial.com.