An empty auditorium. On the stage is a persons body broken in half at the waist with one arm broken off two - as if the body is made from porcelain.
Wednesday 13 January 2021 to Sunday 17 January 2021

Southbank Centre’s fifth Unlimited is a digital festival. Featuring dance, performance, comedy, music and visual art, the festival celebrates the artistic vision and creativity of disabled artists. It showcases ambitious creative projects by outstanding disabled artists and companies.

Tickets for all events are free (with the exception of Abnormally Funny People comedy). You are able to book directly online via the Southbank Centre website.

British Council are proud to be supporting the festival this year which includes the following:

Unlimited Discuss... International Perspectives

Time: 12.00-13.00

Join artists and activists from Asia and North America in an international conversation with Neil Webb (British Council) to discuss different cultural contexts and hear about some of the exciting artistic developments happening around the world.

Tickets can be booked for all Unlimited Discuss... events here.

About Unlimited Festival

Unlimited was born at the Southbank Centre, emerging out of the 2012 Cultural Olympiad. A biennial festival, it provides a platform for new commissions and existing work, shared with audiences from around the world.  

In 2021, they are supporting a partner award in the commissioning programme, for the very first time.

Their partner, the Unlimited arts commissioning programme, is at the heart of the festival. It aims to share the impact of work by disabled artists in the UK and around the world, reach new audiences and shift perceptions of disabled people. 

Since 2013, the Unlimited arts commissioning programme has been delivered by the disability-led arts organisation Shape Arts and arts-producing organisation Artsadmin.

It is currently funded by Arts Council England, Arts Council of Wales, Creative Scotland and the British Council. 

Over the past seven years, Unlimited has awarded over £4 million to over 330 ambitious disabled artists and companies. Their work has been experienced by more than 2.6 million people, globally and online.