The Voice of Young Science (VOYS) is a unique and dynamic network of early career researchers committed to playing an active role in public discussions about science. By responding to public misconceptions about science and evidence and engaging with the media, this active community of 2,000+ researchers is changing the way the public and the media view science and scientists.
VOYS organise workshops to encourage early career researchers to make their voices heard in public debates about science. During these full-day events, participants meet scientists who have engaged with the media and learn from respected science journalists about how the media works, find out how researchers can influence policymakers and get hints and tips from communications networks.
The next of a series of workshops planned for Ireland during 2019 will take place in University College Cork on Friday, 6 September.
The full day event is FREE for early career researchers and scientists in all sciences, engineering, medicine and social sciences (PhD students, post-docs or equivalent in first job).
To participate, please apply here before 5pm, Monday 26 August. For more information, email Ilaina at or visit VoYS website.
The Voice of Young Science is a Sense about Science initiative.
The Standing up for Science workshop initiative is supported by FameLab Ireland and British Council Ireland.