Monday 25 September 2023 to Wednesday 27 September 2023

In September 2024, for the second time, we hosted a stand at Irish Times Higher Options Student Recruitment Fair in order to promote the variety of UK Universities available to Irish students. We also distributed our Higher Education Mobility Information Guide which provides information to Irish students wishing to study in the UK. We were also pleased to speak about studying in the UK on a panel discussion on studying abroad as part of Higher Options' Career Talks series.

Each year, the Irish Times Higher Options provides a unique opportunity for Senior Cycle students to gather all the information they need for making good decisions regarding further and higher study or training in Ireland, Europe and beyond.

The event features more than 150 colleges, comprised of Irish universities, colleges of higher and further education, European, UK and International universities, admissions bodies and information stands. Each day also included a full programme of talks with live Q&A sessions, which offers students the opportunity to ask questions, enabling them to begin making informed decisions for later in the year.