Wednesday 27 September 2023 -
15:30 to 17:30
The Kelly Theatre, National College of Ireland

Join speakers from industry and academia, with technological, commercial and social enterprise expertise, for a keynote address and panel session addressing the question: how can AI be a force for good?

Moderated by producer and broadcaster Malcolm Love, the panel includes Dr Maxine Mackintosh, Genomics England; Dr. Dónal Fullam, Creative Cultural Industries at Creative Futures Academy; Deirdre O’Neill, Enterprise Ireland; His Excellency Akhilesh Mishra, Indian Ambassador to Ireland. Other speakers to be confirmed.

Note: this discussion will follow a mini-AI Hackathon (2-3pm) and commence with a prize-giving to the projects that most aptly and viably apply AI to achieving one or more of the SDGs (sustainable development goals). Guests registering for the panel discussion are welcome to also attend the Hackathon.

Presented by National College of Ireland in partnership with the British Council of Ireland and the support of KTI (Knowledge Transfer Ireland).